Huskies: The Ultimate Companions for Active Lifestyles

Huskies: The Ultimate Companions for Active Lifestyles

With boundless energy and their love for physical exertion, huskies are perfect dogs for intense activities or those seeking a loyal adventure partner. Compared to other breeds, huskies possess one of the highest energy levels. Originally bred to pull heavy sleds over long, snow-covered terrains effortlessly, these dogs were built with extreme strength and endurance.

Contributing to their high energy levels is their unique build. Huskies have a strong, compact body with well-developed muscles, allowing them to exert tremendous power. With their prominent, physical build and high energy, huskies are still one of the most sought out breeds for mushing but are also a great breed for people who are very active or love to be outdoors.

Owning a Husky

Expert Tips for Balancing Care and Energy

When searching for the breed that will best fit your lifestyle, it’s important to do your research first to understand what they will need. In general, high energy dogs mean high requirements for exercise, and huskies are no exception. For those looking for a sled dog or a daily hiking partner, huskies are a great choice of breed. But for families wanting a calm, lounge-around-the-house dog, they may not be the best choice.

Non-negotiable, huskies must have daily outlets to burn off energy. Not only does this keep them happy and healthy, but it also avoids behavioral issues from developing. Without the proper amount of exercise, huskies can become bored and develop destructive behaviors such as digging, chewing, and excessive barking.

Huskies will also require a little extra socialization due to their unique heritage. Proper socialization is important for any dog breed to ensure they interact well with other dogs and people, but it’s especially important for huskies as they still do posses a strong prey drive. Socializing them early in life can help prevent the development of an aggressive temperament or anxiety-related issues.

When it comes to maintaining their health and appearance, grooming will play a big role. Huskies have a thick double coat, and although beautiful, this coat requires some maintenance. Regular brushing will prevent the coat from matting as well as help manage shedding by removing any loose hair. Regular grooming will not only keep the coat healthy, but it also distributes their natural oils which keeps their skin moisturized. This unique double coat is also what makes them a great prospect for a mushing or sled dog. With a dense under coat and a protective topcoat that is water-resistant and provides excellent insulation, huskies can power through extreme elements for their companions.

Health and Nutrition

The Best Dog Food for Huskies

Choosing the best dog food for huskies, based off their activity level will ensure their nutritional needs are met and that they’re provided with the fuel they need to thrive. Our canine nutritionists at Native have developed an exclusive EnergyFIT (Formula Intensity Technology) System™ that has formulated our performance dog food into six different energy levels. All energy levels are made with similar ingredients that allow you to move your husky from one formula to another, providing a smoother digestive transition.

The EnergyFIT System is important for high energy dogs like huskies. For example, during mushing season, the system allows you to feed your husky a higher protein level to meet their higher nutritional needs, but during the off-season, they can do down a level or two since they aren’t as active.

Choosing the right Native performance dog food level will always depend on that specific dog’s needs, but our canine nutritionists will often recommend Native Level 4 for huskies when they are engaged in intense, vigorous activities like daily hiking or sled pulling. Native Level 4 is a chicken meal and rice formula with 35% protein and 25% fat. During periods of less vigorous activity, you may consider moving your husky down to Native Level 3 (30% protein and 20% fat) or even Native Level 2 (26% protein and 16% fat).

Native’s high performance dog food will fuel huskies year-round and allow them to easily transition levels without digestive upset. Our dog food is specifically crafted to support high energy, active dogs like huskies. It’s important to feed your dog the proper balance of nutrients, proteins, and fat levels that matches your canine athlete’s lifestyle. For more information on which Native Level will best fit your dog, or questions about our products, please contact our Inside Sales Team.

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